guys were Theoretical's Court Jestors. They would show up and
verbally abuse anyone trying to make a fashion statement (even though
they were usually making one, too). A marvelous service: "fuckin'
with the yuppies" they called it.
came from a difficult trailer trash home in Orange
County and loved the role of naughty
butch boy.
was a resident and founding member of the infamous "Dog House" punk
commune in Silverlake (L.A.).

Perpetua's Theoretical Gallery
his last days demented and lonely he would call me in the
middle of the night from somewhere back in O.C. and talk about everything
and anything for hours. I was not usually fully awake. I remember laughing
hard and long at the tales of magical lust and the many "boys"
he taunted and humiliated. These were the dreams that seemed to border
on confessions that a wicked stand-up comedian might tell. Specifics
allude me, though I am privileged to have touched those dreams, however
fleeting they remain.
a lovely character he was.
A charming acid-toungued "wit."
must have been in 1990 that he died.
Will I ever have dreams like that again?
photo: courtesy of Dave Trapnell