might be biting off more than I can chew.
Frankly, I've been bored since 1992
and missing too many friends.
What the Hell.
We have a little piece of history to share. Some important and interesting Archives need a home. needs to be reclaimed by the truly disenchanted. It's not and never was a promotional category of trendy MTV bits. It's just been acquisitioned, subordinated and packaged while a whole generation has been deceived with BIG FASHIONABLE CORPORATE LIES.
Support from Theoreticians (old AND new) will directly dictate how far this Real Alternative "Thang" goes. I ask for your patience and support.
you have your own story to tell...
maybe some pictures from a place in time that will otherwise be forgotten
as corporate cleansing drowns and re-interprets every corner of public life,
you are cordially invited to share.
This is a documentary of a really ALTERNATIVE place and time that blossomed just before the AIDS epidemic. A freer time. A creative time... an attitude that persists.
Ms. Danvers be your
Goth-Guide through this
place called Manderley.
added: Meet Lady Danvers'
intimate friend Zelda*,
who would love
to take you on a critical shopping spree
if you are so inclined... as Danny says:
shop the Bitch!
The options in this site are unlimited
*Consider Your own RantRoom...
While The West Wing commemorates those of this creative clan who have passed, a limited set of theoretical RantRooms in the East Wing are now open and available: exclusively for the living current and future Theoreticians. We want your anecdotes and ventings. It's quite soothing to vent. Or as Danny is been prone to say in solemn whispering tones:
"Why don't you?...
.... why don't you..."
for one more... honey.
this is your first visit, we suggest that you next visit the West
Patronize Theoretical's personally designated shopping maven.
| Welcome Mat | The
Foyer | The Ballroom | The
West Wing | The East Wing | The
The Galleries | The
Studio | The Grounds | The
Garage | The Basement | The
Guest House | The Observatory