place for new art
a hangout for the disenchanted artist in us all
a remembrance of passed friends
people with untested attitudes
and N
OT queer; if that's an issue: don't bother
extreme; anti-market driven
to experiment within and beyond the powers that be
The house was a tomb.
I thought of how it might have been to live there without fear...
and of how we can never go back there again."
The 2nd Mrs. DeWinter
of the finest, most creative people of the
last two decades participated in the development of
an ad-hoc art/music community that frolicked in and around a series
spectacular Sunday afternoon parties in Los Angeles spearheaded
by a driven soft-spoken
gentle man named Jim Van Tyne.
He is gone now.
And so are an alarming number of these people; our friends.
The AIDS epidemic took its toll and left our house in ruins.
But the work this creative family started has not perished.
There are survivors, too.
And the Guest List remains open.
The purpose of this site is to see that what they started lives on here...
in spirit at least.
Enter Manderley, our once great
Step into the Foyer for a little history,
and then enter the Ballroom and do a little theoretical
socializing and meet Ms. Danvers,
our bitchy (and somewhat Mad) Hostess.
If you are inclined to be diverted to shop, you can go with
Ms. Danvers' (also) bitchy but hipper "friend" Zelda
on a fashionpatrol,
on to the WestWing, the nexus and "soul"
of this site,
where our fallen theoretical friends
are remembered in ways that may catch you by surprise.
Gloomy for some. Enlightening for others.
And, as Ms. Danvers so eloquently states:
"...the only place in Manderley that
has a clear view of the sea."
EastWing, nicknamed "RantRooms,"
includes contemporary living theoretical personalities
doing their own thing, saying what they want and, hopefully amusing you.
are many more nooks and crannies to explore throughout
the ruins of Manderley, too. A Library, Study & Archives, Art Galleries,
Ms. Danvers' freakish secret Closet; the Grounds (aka: LINKoretical)
connect you with
bizarre like-minded sites, while the Social Calendar
offers some noteworthy upcoming events.
if you're new to theoretical
and want to stay in the sequence of The Tour...
move on and enter the Foyer for a brief historical
followed by The Ballroom, where our annual Costume
Ball is in progress...
Patronize Theoretical's personally designated shopping maven.
| Welcome Mat | The Foyer
| The Ballroom | The West
Wing | The East Wing | The
The Galleries | The Studio
| The Grounds | The Garage
| The Basement | The Guest
House | The Observatory