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Have you ever...
set out with a couple of friends on a quiet Sunday afternoon with no other purpose then to just see what there is to see?
Kyle is our Guide.
Jim: driver of the getaway car,
And this Other Guy: whose name no one seems to recall...
All set out in search of fun on the industrial East Side. Starting on trendy Alameda, near the corner of 5th Street.?
read the artful grafitti a few blocks away, near AL's Bar.
The Terminal Bar
(in the wholesale produce market was closed)...
too early or too late for meeting some truckers.
That was probably a good thing.
The journey continued on...
to yet another corner where the American Hotel and American Gallery had just installed its greetings to the L.A. Olympics... just above the entrance to AL's Bar.
And next to Bob Zoell's fabulous sign in that alphabet he designed.
over on 8th Street was quite a fine find, too.
Bible tracts or fast food menus? Is there a difference?
had some competition, too.
"Prove it!"
...and so they did.
China Town:
the sophistication and wisdom of the East.
As 2nd Street veers of on Glendale Blvd., they came upon this whacky store.
this important message.
| Welcome Mat | The Foyer
| The Ballroom | The West Wing
| The East Wing | The
The Galleries | The Studio
| The Grounds | The Garage
| The Basement | The Guest House
| The Observatory