This flyer/mailer was clearly one of Jim Van Tyne's
It was only recently located by our good friend Damien. Thanks for sharing...
We were approached by Warner Bros. Records to produce an event for them promoting their new signed Canadian act 54.40 (which they had "scouted" at a theoretical about a year previous). The audience was to consist of our regulars and all of the WB Records staff. We got Party Boys to open and they were right on time and did an awesome set. I remember "working the crowd" and overhearing the WB people's frustration over not having a handy trend category to bestow upon our P'Boys.
I love it when they get confused like this.-jm
The 54.40 performance went on well enough too, but I think the record flopped and the band sort of went away.
Soave Bolla, Craig Lee's band with X-8 and Alice Bag, closed the show with an excellent performance, too.
back side of the flyer was used to promote JVT's 10 installment series (with
Bill Villerini) at the Limbo Lounge (held at the Four Star Saloon in West
Hollywood). JVT used this to experiment with extreme costume design and put
Glen Meadmore through
some of the weirdest and most entertaining visual transformations imaginable.
| Welcome Mat | The Foyer
| The Ballroom | The West Wing
| The East Wing | The
The Galleries | The Studio
| The Grounds | The Garage
| The Basement | The Guest
House | The Observatory