Some of Jim Yousling's Best Friends...

...wouldn't mind sharing

some of the special times they knew with you.

The Host Master was this guy named Jim Yousling.

He was pure theoretical.

The ongoing series of events he staged (and attended) throughout the '80's, usually parties of a rather informal sort, showed people that socializing need not be restrictive in terms of many of the boundaries that continue to stratify culture today. Most creative people everywhere know this.

Jim Yousling practiced it.

Age. Sexual preference (if known). Politics. Race. Career (or lack thereof). These things were meaningless in the midst of a creative culture that could be.

What we've unearthed here is some stuff which suggests a part of who this guy, Jim Yousling, was. It breaks out into a group of pages that represent aspects of the man, or more pragmatically, aspects of what we are able to assemble.


This collection (a small portion of which is shown here) was salvaged and is maintained by Stuart Timmons. Photographs, when artists are known, are credited. Greg Cloud shot the pictures on this page. Individuals pictured are noted when they are known (sometimes with catty comments). We welcome identification of any others.

The Roasting of Mr. Yousling

A Downtown Tour

under construction...

Cinco de Mayos (1984, 85, 87...)

InTouch for Men (gay porn meets rock-n-roll)

Hell Kitty (an alter ego)

Male Blonding

Miscellany and Fun Stuff that inspired Jim

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