Consider ordering your CD's from this source. A small, VERY SMALL commission of your purchase goes back to this site to help defray costs (someday). And they've got everything-- often less expensive (including shipping) than that Virgin Super Store you hang at...
of the
Tyrants in Therapy,
Cock n Bull Pub, Santa Monica, Nov 7, 98
(from the other band's drummer)
"You guys give good Art."
Look for future shows of this suave over-the-edge
punk caberet act.
SUNDAY, November 22
Pasadena's irreverent anti-Rose
The Doo-Dah Parade
featuring our Dear Friend:
Ms. Tequila Mockingbird
Queen of this splendid event
It happens in the A.M. along Coloradao
AIDSWatch will been seen in the Greater Los Angeles area on Century Communications cable system. Established in order to remind us the battle is not over.
A day to remind us of the lost lives and the lost love.